Why are my Seeds not growing?

SEED REQUIREMENTS; The key things are;
- The right quality of soil.
- A reasonably even seed bed. With our seeds you are sowing small seeds which must be planted near the surface. If the seed bed is uneven then seed may drop down holes and not grow.
- Enough moisture, not a problem in spring 2018 but in other season it has remained dry for weeks
- Soil temperature. Ideally the soil temperature needs to be consistently over 12 degrees centigrade for a few days. Whilst you can buy a soil thermometer, as a rough guide the climate temperature needs to be roughly 6 degrees warmer than the soil temperature.
OTHER FACTORS why the seeds not growing.
- Assuming that you have created a good even seed bed and there are not problems with the soil and seed is not buried too deep then the main things that effect germination are water and temperature.
- On a small area you may be able to water it but on a larger meadow or paddock this not possible, so you just have to wait. Generally, seed will sit there, and if it is warm enough, as soon as it starts to rain it will grow.
- Several things can slow germination down. If the ground is wet (clearly a big problem in spring 2018) or heavy ground or is in shade, then it will take longer to warm up This will in turn slow germination down.
- Another factor may be PH or Soil nutrients. An acid soil severely limits the species that will grow there. Ideally it should be above 6.0 for grass to grow . It is easy to test if you have any concerns. On larger fields if taking it on or concerned about performance then it is worth getting a full soil test. Low levels of some nutrients can impact on establishment and performance
Planting Mixtures

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