Natural Renovation Paddock Grass Seed Mix


Natural Renovation Paddock Grass Seed Mix

Improve or extend the life of an existing field
✔ Reduce the impact of poaching
✔ Suitable for reseeding
✖ No perennial ryegrass
✖ No yarrow
Select your soil type
Weight | Coverage (overseeding)
Regular price £59.00
Tax included.
  • Current Lead Times Wildflower & Grass Seed: 3 days | Plants: up to 2 weeks | Bulbs In The Green: up to 7 days |Accessories & Gifts: 3 days
  • Delivery Nationwide UK
  • Contributing to a sustainable world
  • Secure payments


Sow at 10 kilos per acre.

Our natural horsemanship renovation seed mix is the ideal equine grass seed mix to extend and improve the life of your existing leys.  Perennial ryegrass-free, this mix will increase the diversity of species in your sward, reducing the impact of poaching and improving the overall diet of your horse or pony.  

Overseeding is an easy and effective way to improve the appearance and yield of your horse paddock.  To overseed, first mow the grass short, then harrow to open the sward and remove any dead grass.  Then broadcast the seed by hand or using a seed spreader.  Finally, roll the paddock to ensure good seed-to-soil contact.

Separate blends of this mix are available for heavy-to-medium soil and for light soil.  While both blends contain the same reliable grass species, we have adjusted the quantities in each depending on whether your soil is light or heavy-to-medium. This will ensure you get the best grazing environment and the highest yields.

Natural horsemanship mixes omit perennial ryegrass as the high level of sugars in this grass species is thought to contribute to an increased risk of laminitis in your horse or pony.  If left unchecked, this vigorous species can outcompete the beneficial wildflowers and herbs in your sward.


Common Name LIGHT Soils % Breakdown HEAVY Soils % Breakdown
Meadow Fescue 10% 30%
Smooth Stalk Meadow Grass 20% 20%
Timothy 20% 15%
Cocksfoot 20% 15%
Creeping Red Fescue 25% 15%
Mixed Herbs 5% 5%
Herbs included: Sainfoin, Sheeps Parsley, Sheeps Burnet, Ribgrass & Fenugreek
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