Wildflower Advice

Establishing a wildlfower meadow or garden using seeds, plugs and/or bulbs

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Bulbs Advice

How and when to plant native wildflower bulbs, and bulbs in the green

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Horse Paddock Advice

Establishing and managing natural and traditional horse paddocks

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Bare-root Hedging & Tree Advice

How to establish a british hedge using bare-root whips.

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Lawn Advice

How to prepare, seed and maintain a lawn

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Pasture Advice

How to establish or renovate grass pastures for animals

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Clovers & Green Manures

Why and how to grow clovers and green manures

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Individual Wildflower Species

Info and tips on planting individual wildflower species from bulbs or plugs

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Customer Meadows

Your photos mean the world to us as they showcase the beauty of British wildflowers. We would be absolutley thrilled if you emailed your photos to us: shop@meadowmania.co.uk

Click the link below to view our current collection of customers' wildflower photos.