Our mix of over 20 annual/biennial species plus over 20 perennial wildflower species from all over the world, for an impactful display of bold and beautiful blooms from year 1 onwards.
Quick growing with a long flowering season, you'll get a dazzling display of colour from the annuals in year 1 with the biennials and perennials emerging from year 2 onwards.
Attractive to butterflies, bees and other insects, this is an excellent way to brighten up a small border or a larger wildflower area.
For best results sow in the spring from March through to May, or in the autumn, from late August through to October.
All the native wildflower seed in our mixtures is sourced from stock grown in the wild in Britain. It is then multiplied up commercially and mixed and packed in the UK so you can be confident you are buying native British wildflower seed.
Best sown onto a bare seedbed, or an existing grass sward with at least 50% bare soil.
Colour | Varied |
Height | 1-1.5 metres |
Season | Spring or Autumn |
Setting | Prefers well-drained soil and full sun |
Agrimony | Agrimonia eupatoria |
Baby’s Breath | Gypsophila paniculata |
Birdsfoot Trefoil | Lotus corniculatus |
Borage | Borago officinalis |
Meadow Buttercup | Ranunculus acris |
California Poppy | Eschscholzia californica |
White Campion | Silene latifolia |
Red Campion | Silene dioica |
Candytuft | Iberis umbellata |
Chinese Forget-Me-Not | Cynoglossum amabile |
Wild Clary | Salvia verbenaca |
Red Clover | Trifolium pratense |
White Clover | Trifolium repens |
Corn Cockle | Agrostemma githago |
Corn Poppy | Papaver rhoeas |
Cornflower | Centaurea cyanus |
Cosmos | Cosmos bipinnatus |
Oxeye Daisy | Leucanthemum vulgare |
Dwarf Morning Glory | Convolvulus tricolor |
Farewell To Spring | Clarkia unguiculata |
Fineflower | Gilia leptantha |
Wild Foxglove | Digitalis purpurea |
Greater Knapweed | Centaurea scabiosa |
Lesser Knapweed | Centaurea nigra |
Purple Loosestrife | Lythrum salicaria |
Love-In-a-Mist | Nigella damascena |
Wild Marjoram | Origanum vulgare |
Meadow Cranesbill | Geranium pratense |
Musk Mallow | Malva moschata |
Painted Daisy | Tanacetum cinerariifolium |
Paper Daisy | Rhodanthe chlorocephala |
Pheasant’s Eye | Adonis annua |
Ribwort Plantain | Plantago lanceolata |
Pot Marigold | Calendula officinalis |
Ragged Robin | Silene flos-cuculi |
Sainfoin | Onobrychis viciifolia |
Salad Burnet | Sanguisorba minor |
Field Scabious | Knautia arvensis |
Small Scabious | Scabiosa columbaria |
Scented Mayweed | Matricaria chamomilla |
Selfheal | Prunella vulgaris |
Sheep’s Sorrel | Rumex acetosella |
Teasel | Dipsacus fullonum |
Kidney Vetch | Anthyllis vulneraria |
Viper’s Bugloss | Echium vulgare |
Wild Carrot | Daucus carota |
Yarrow | Achillea millefolium |
Yellow Rattle | Rhinanthus minor |