Annuals, Biennials & Perennials Wild Flowers
Wild Flowers fall into three main categories Annuals, Biennials and Perennials; it is important to understand them if you want to make sure you get the best out of them.
Cornfield annuals These are species such as Field Poppy, Cornflower, Corn Marigold. They tend to be very colourful and quick to grow. Annuals will only last one year they multiply by growing fast shedding seed and the seed then grows the following year. For them to grow again there must be some bare soil that the seed can germinate and grow in. Historically the main annual wild flowers appeared in Arable Fields each year after the farmer ploughed the field. This is why they are sometimes called cornfield annuals. They are often sown with a perennial meadow mix to give some impact in the first year. It is important to understand that with this approach Annuals are unlikely to appear from the second year as the meadow will smother them out.
Teasel Biennials These are Wild Flower species such as Wild Carrot. Wild Foxglove, Teasel, and Dark Mullein. A biennial plant takes two years to complete it's life cycle. It will germinate and grow, survive through one winter, and in the second year it will grow more, bloom, and then may die. You may not see them in the first year then it can look like there is a mass of them in the second year then they may die out. If you want to see the species, such as Teasel, every year then sow seed for two consecutive years. The species may self seed and you will then see them every year.
Meadow Buttercup Perennials This is the widest range of wild flower species. They include such things as Buttercups, Daisies, Campion, Scabious and many more. Perennial wild flowers take longer to establish, you may not see them in flower until the second year. But once they are established they come back year after year. Generally they are not as colourful or as striking as the annuals. Their natural habitat is amongst grass and perennial wild flowers work best when you have a range of them with grass as the back drop. The aim is to have different ones in flower in different months. Normally you would cut the meadow down towards the end of the summer. End of August/early September. Then the grass and perennial wild flowers grow back. If you are unsure about this then please feel free to contact us for more advice by email at shop@meadowmania.co.uk or by Freephone 0800 0854399



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