Where and How to Grow Harebell Campanula Rotundifolia
A close up of violet-blue harebells (Campanula rotundifolia)
Harebell are a surprisingly adaptable plant that flourish in the wild both on damp peat areas and on dry chalky soils.
They can grow in profusion on heather moors and on roadsides particularly in Scotland. They are often known as the Bluebells of Scotland.
In the North of England the road side can often be turned blue with masses of Harebells.
Harebell have dainty blue flower heads on slender stems. They often grow alongside Meadowsweet. In the south of England they are more often seen on well grazed chalk downlands where they will grow alongside Bird’s foot trefoil and can sometimes do well on acid soils.
Harebell has a lovely delicate flower which can fit into any garden even into the smallest area. You can grow them in a rock garden or a grassy bank. They can also be grown in window boxes. Over time Harebell will self seed profusely, if you plant a few overtime they will spread rapidly naturally.
Where and how to grow Harebell
Flowering Season July to September
Height 15 to 40 centimetres
Cultivation Harebells are perennial plants that will grow easily from seed if you can find the seed. You just need to scatter the seed on the surface of the soil or compost seed tray then lightly water in. The other option is to buy plug plants and plant them in short grass during either the autumn or the spring.