Where & How to Grow Kidney Vetch (Anthyllis vulneraria)
Kidney Vetch is a pretty perennial plant which has large, rounded clusters of flowers. The flowers are generally yellow. If growing near the sea, the flowers can range from cream to crimson in colour. Each flower has its own hairy calyx which gives the flower cluster a woolly appearance. Its leaves are divided into narrow leaflets that are silky and white on the underneath.
Kidney vetch is common on sand dunes and chalk grassland across the UK. It flowers from June to September and is a spreading plant.
It is a very attractive and beneficial plant to wildlife, and a very rich source of nectar. This brings bees to its flower heads. Some Butterflies lay their eggs on the plant making it the main source of food for their caterpillars.
It has a long flowering season and is relatively short. Whist seeds are available, the best option is to buy some wildflower plugs. Clear the space around each plug, about the size of a small dinner plate. Plant in the autumn or spring
Where and how to grow Kidney Vetch

Flowering Season | June to September |
Site | Likes Sunny places and seaside gardens |
Soil Type | Well drained soil, will tolerate poor fertility |
Height | 24 to 30 cm |