Where & How to grow Lesser Knapweed Centaurea Nigra
We will tell you where and how to grow Lesser Knapweed.
Lesser or Common Knapweed is a colourful thistle like plant. It has Reddish/Purple flowers packed on to flower heads shaped like globes. It also has lance shaped leaves. Common Knapweed can grow quite tall and can look beautiful as part of a summer meadow garden on a hedge bank or in a border.
Lesser Knapweed is particularly beneficial to bees and butterflies. It can also look very attractive when dried.
Lesser Knapweed likes well-drained fertile soils which are in a sunny position. It is tolerant of dry, alkaline soils. Once established the plants can cope with some neglect. They Self-seed readily.
It is an upright, branching perennial which can grow to 75cm. There are simple lobed leaves and thistle-like purple flowerheads which are up to 4cm across.
Where and how to grow Lesser Knapweed
Meadow wild flower growing in the field. Centaurea nigraFlowering season June to September
Height 30 to 60 centimetres
Soil Prefers moderately fertile conditions
Site Will grow best in sun or semi shade
Knapweed is a perennial and will come back year after year. You can grow Common Knapweed successfully from seed planted in the spring or autumn and the seed should be planted where you want it to grow. For quicker establishment introduce it in the form of Plug Plants.
With the plug plants clear a space the size of a small dinner plate round each plug plants. From seed it maybe the second year before you see the plant in flower.
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