Where & How to grow Meadowsweet Filipendula Ulmaria
We will show you where and how to grow meadowsweet

It is a beautiful flower. It has white blooms tinged with yellowish-green.
The flowers grow in clusters and are very light and feathery. The leaves are dark, shiny and fern like. They are also very fragrant.
It flowers in late summer and prefers damp conditions. Such as long streams or in wet meadows.
It will grow in fertile soils as long as the soil remains moist during summer.
It look particularly attractive when grown along side Ragged Robin and Purple Loosestrife.
Meadowsweet favours wet habitats, such as ditches, damp meadows and riverbanks. It flowers from June to September and has sprays of tiny creamy-white flowers which sit on top of tall stems. It has a sweet smell.
Meadowsweet has creamy-white flowers which are densely packed together. The flower heads sit on erect stems. It has dark green leaves which are divided into pairs of leaflets. These have silvery undersides.
The flowers have very sweet fragrance and in the past it was a strewing herb. Put on the floor to create a nice aroma like an early air freshener.
Where and how to grow meadowsweet
Season Flowers in June to September
Height it can grow to 60-120 cm
Timing Sow In Spring or Autumn on moist soils
Preparation Cover only very lightly with soil plant where you want it to grow