Where & How to grow Selfheal Prunella Vulgaris

Prunella vulgaris, known as common selfheal, is a very attractive flower and an excellent ground cover plant. It will spread by sending out runners which root and send up more flower stems. The flowers are generally purple/blue but can sometimes be pink or even white.

It adds an attractive dash of colour and is beneficial to both bees and butterflies. It is a very common species and grows over a large part of the world and most of the UK . It has been used in herbal medicine as a gargle for sore throats and for cuts, burns and bruises.

Selfheal is a low-growing creeping perennial herb. It has paired, oval leaves and violet flowers. These often appear in dense clusters on the top of its stems. The purple-tinged seed head remains after flowering.

Selfheal is a very easy plant to establish from seed or by plugs. Once established it will spread by runners across the meadow. It is an excellent species in a meadow mix; whilst relatively short it creates an attractive base as well as being beneficial to wildlife.

Where and how to grow Selfheal

Season It flowers between June and October

Height It grows to a height of between 10 and 30 cm

Season It can be established in the spring or autumn by seed or plants.

Soil Type It will grow in most soils, even those that are slightly acidic.

Selfheal Plug plants

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