Where and How to grow Wild Carrot (Daucus Carota)
We will tell you where and how to grow Wild Carrot
Wild carrot, Daucus carotaIt is one of the most common wild flowers growing in the countryside. Wild carrot will be found on chalk grassland, sandy soils and in old meadows.
It is very recognisable with its white flower head and the foliage which is decorative. The leaves are similar to the cultivated varieties of carrot.
When sown on fertile soil the Daucus Carota plant can grow very tall, but still look attractive. If included in a meadow mixture it establishes well and will flower throughout the summer. After the flowers fade seed heads like ‘Birds’ nests are formed which add interest to a winter garden.
In the past seeds were used medicinally to treat things are such as coughs and Wild Carrot tea sometimes drunk. Daucus Carota also yields a strong green dye.
Sometimes called Queen Anne's lace. It is frothy wildflower with a single red bloom at its centre.
The flower is long stalked and shaped like an upside down umbrella. It is similar in appearance to cow parsley. It has white flowers and feathery leaves.
Where and how to grow Wild Carrot
Flowering Season; June to August/September.
Height; Can grow from 45 to 60 centimetres.
Establishment; It is a biennial or a short lived perennial. Will grow on most soils but seems to last longer on chalk or light sandy soils, particularly if this own with Grasses.
Wild carrot can be grown from seed planted in early Autumn or Spring or established by plug plants. It self seeds readily.
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