Seed Sowing Times
Safe Seed Sowing times

This relate to the temperature of the soil not just the climate. Most seeds won't germinate below a soil temperature of about 7°C (45°F) Ideally the soil temperature should be a minimum of 9-12 degrees celsius. This is usually from March through until September. It is also important that you need several days when the weather and soil are consistently warm for germination to happen.Moisture
Without enough water seed will not grow. Ideally you would sow the seed just prior to a heavy shower. In 2017 and 2016 we seem to have long periods in April when there has been little rainfall. April 2017 there was about 40% of the average rainfall across most of the UK. In these cases, you may need to water the ground and if so then follow these simple rules.- The best times to water your lawn area area early morning or early evening, when there is generally less wind and heat. Watering at these times allows for less evaporation into the air, greater penetration into the soil, and less run-off.
- It will usually take 10-15 minutes to water your lawn thoroughly. If puddles or run-off occur, turn your sprinkler off for a few minutes to allow water to penetrate the soil.
- Let the lawn completely dry out between watering intervals.
Clearly the period from March through the early October is when you would expect the ground to be warm enough to give good seed sowing times. It is normally advisable not to sow in the summer months June and July as they are to dry. So, the best seed sowing times for Lawn Seed, Horse paddock and Wild Flower Meadow

Wild flower annuals fall into two types.
- Cornfield Annuals such as Cornflower and Poppy
- Non-Native annuals such as Cosmos and Californian Poppy

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