Meadow Grass How and Where to grow
Wild Meadow Grass Establishment
To sow the wild meadow grass mixture or one of the straight species then do the following. Seed Rates Crested Dogs-tail For small areas sow at 10 grams to the sq metre. For large areas sow at 5 grams to the sq metre. Sowing onto bare ground Sow in either Spring (March through to May) Or autumn (mid July to the end of September) Clear the ground of competition and create a good a fine even seed bed as is possible. Broadcast the seed, then roll afterwards Sowing into existing grass Smooth Stalk Meadow Grass Sow in either Spring (March through to May) Or autumn (mid July to the end of September) Cut the existing grass back very short. Then scarify or rake the ground very hard. Aim to have at least 30 to 50% bare soil. Then broadcast the seed and roll afterwards. Maintenance Briza media Quaking-grass You can enjoy these grasses best if you leave them to grow out during the summer months. Then at the end of August/early September cut down the meadow and remove what you have cut. Cut to a height of about 1 to 2 inches.
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4. Sowing Meadow grass
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