These are a range of mixes which are designed to give the maximum impact from flowers and colour over the summer. These type of mixtures have become very popular with council’s. This is because they are relatively easy to grow and are very colourful.
The long and varied flowering season Is very beneficial and attractive to natural pollinators such as Bees.
· These mixes will generally just one last summer
· They should be sown at 3 grams to the square metre
· They should be sown between March and mid May
· They will flower over the summer into October
· They prefer good to fertile soils
· The ground should be cleared before planting
· The seed should be broadcast and then rolled afterwards
· It is likely that you will have to mix the seed with sand to spread it thinly and evenly
· Once sown leave alone
Cut the area down in the Autumn. Leave the plants on the ground for a few days to encourage the seed to shed. Then re-cultivate the ground if you want to try and get the same effect next year.
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