When to plant wildflower seeds
When to plant wildflower seeds.
If you want to know when to plant wildflower seed then you need to understand there are two main types of wildflower seed. They can be split into two categories. Cornfield Annuals and PerennialsCornfield Annuals
[gallery ids="755,785,989"] Cornfield annuals are quick and easy to grow and give a very colourful show. They will only last for one year and the ground would need digging over every autumn if you wanted them to reappear in following years Cornfield annuals can be sown in the spring or Autumn. If sown in the spring it is important to understand that Cornfield annuals take a minimum 10 to 12 weeks from sowing to flowering. Ideally we recommend in the spring that you sow the Cornfield annuals by the middle of April, If possible. You can sow them later but you will end up with a shorter flowering season All annuals can be sown in either spring or autumn but spring sowing may favour, Corn Marigold and Corn Chamomile. Autumn sowing may benefit Poppies, Cornflowers and Corn Cockle. In you are deciding when to plant wildflower seeds, (cornfield annuals). In the spring the best sowing period is mid March to mid April. In the autumn it is mid August to Mid September.Perennials
[gallery ids="546,921,459"] Perennial wildflower seeds are generally slower to establish and harder to grow. Once they are established they will grow back year after year. You simply cut down the plant in early Autumn and it then grows back the following summer You can sow perennials in the autumn or the spring. In the spring the ideal time Is between mid March and the end of May. In the autumn the best time is from mid August through to mid October. When you plant wildflower seeds it is important that the ground is well prepared and cleared and that you sow at the time which is best to encourage seed germination. Our advice generally is not to water wildflowers but to leave them to wait until the conditions are right. One species that should be planted in autumn or early winter is yellow rattle it needs a period of winter cold weather. This is to break the dormancy so that it can germinate in the spring. If you’re unsure about any advice here and please feel free to contact us on 0800 085 4399 or by e-mail at shop@meadowmania.co.uk
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