Best time to plant wildflower seeds
You might be interested in our Wildflower plants.
A common question we are asked is, ‘When is the best time to plant wildflower seeds?'
The key factors affecting when is the best time to plant Wildflower seeds are as follows;
- · Temperature. You need a regular spell of warmer weather ideally consistently over 10 degrees centigrade.
- · Frost. You want to avoid late frosts. If there is a spell of warmer weather early on and you sowed seed which started to grow, then a late frost could kill the seedlings.
- · Water. You need ideally to have enough moisture for the seed to grow. With seed such as lawns it may pay to water if it does not rain, but our advice with wildflower seed is to wait for nature, at some point it will rain!
- · Depth of seed. It is particularly important with fine seed such as in meadows that the seed is not buried too deep. Ideally it should be sown on the top, lightly raked then rolled or walked all over. The aim is to push the seed into the ground rather than bury it too deep.

Planting wildflower seeds in your lawn or into an existing grassed area.
- Plant wildflower seeds in the spring or autumn
- Cut the existing grass back very short
- Scarify or rake the ground hard. The aim is for at least 50% bare soil.
- Broadcast a 100% wildflower seed mix to match to your soil type
- If sowing in the autumn add extra Yellow rattle seeds to the mix.
- Finally, roll it or walk all over it to push the seeds into the ground.
- Water only if it looks like it will not rain for a while.
To see our full range of Wildflower Products click here
If you need any more information or help please feel to contact us on 0800 085 4399 or by e-mail at shop@meadowmania.co.uk
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