Where and How to Grow Wood Anemone (Anemone nemerosa)
When you come across wood anemone in the wild, they can form an effect like a large carpet. They have delicate, nodding flowers which are sometimes pink rather than white. Even when the flowers have finished flowering, the foliage remains attractive. In the wild, wood anemones generally grow in deciduous woods and open sites where there is low fertility. They will often be seen growing alongside hedges and on banks, quite often with primroses. They are commonly known as windflowers, an apt name as they often grow on windswept hills and they also flower at the windy times of the year.
Where and how to grow wood anemone

Flowering Season
March to April
15 centimetres
These are perennial plants that grow from underground rhizomes. They do best on well-drained sites where there is no other plant competition. Plant them about 20 centimetres apart and they should spread rapidly. Best planted in late autumn to September/October. Wood anemone should be soaked in water for a couple of hours before planting. They should be then planted horizontally at about 1 to 2 inches depth and covered in soil or leaf mould. Wood anemone are rhizomes and they will look like wooden twigs when they arrive.