Where is the the most beautiful spot to have a Wildflower Meadow

Meadow By Estuary Meadow By Estuary Some feedback this year from a customer showing the benefits of waiting to see how a Wildflower meadow will develop. It has to be one of the most beautiful spots we have seen to have a meadow!       I bought WF3, grass and wild flower mix seed in 2010. This Spring 2015 has got off to a great start with cowslips - there's much, much more following on. It has been a lot of hard work to establish this small patch but oh so rewarding - we have a public footpath beyond the fence and before the estuary so we have many admirers who pass by.   There was an explosion of wild rabbits last year: they did a lot of damage before I invested in an electric rabbit fence - expensive but effective! We had an impressive covering of daisies in 2013 -  it looked like a  deep covering of snow - really spectacular when waving in the wind. The three kilos of seed seemed expensive at the time but has been a most worthwhile investment.. If your meadow is in more attractive spot send us a photo? Cowslips May 2015 Cowslips May 2015   Ox Eye Daisy 2012 Ox Eye Daisy 2012    

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