Mustard & Phacelia for Green manure

Mustard Seed mustard seed mustard seed
Sowing time March, April, May, June, July, August, September.
Growing period: 1-2 months
Ideal Soil Type: Most.
Nitrogen fixer: No.
How to Sow: Prepare the soil by roughly digging it over and removing any weeds. Lightly tread the soil, and then sow the seeds by broadcast sowing (i.e. scattering evenly) for good coverage.. Rake the soil and water well. In dry periods you may need to water until the green manure is established.
Care: The green manure should be cut down before flowering when the stems are nice and soft as they decompose quicker, retain more beneficial nutrients and are easier to incorporate into the soil. They can be dug into the soil by turning over into the top 15cms or left on the top as a mulch, the worms will drag down the organic matter and help to aerate the soil.
Sow Rate: 4.5 grams per square metre.
Sowing time March, April, May, June, July, August, September.
Growing period: 1-3 months.
Ideal Soil Type: Dry, Most.
Nitrogen fixer: No.
How to Sow: Remove weeds especially perennials, rake the soil and scatter the seed at a rate of 1g per sq m. Dig in to a depth of 1cm and lightly water in.
Care: The green manure should be cut down before flowering when the stems are nice and soft as they decompose quicker, retain more beneficial nutrients and are easier to incorporate into the soil. They can be dug into the soil by turning over into the top 15cms or left on the top as a mulch, the worms will drag down the organic matter and help to aerate the soil.
Sow Rate: 1 gram per square metre.

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