Lawn Maintenance Calendar
Keep off lawn except to brush off leaves and any worm casts.
Lawn maintenance begins in this month. Rake or scarify the lawn hard. This will remove and break up layers of dead matted grass and weeds. Spike the ground with a fork to a depth of 6 inches to eliminate compaction. Lastly, top dress the lawn with a mix of sand, compost and loam. This will help denser growth and level out minor hollows.
Where necessary, apply a spring feed and start weed control. Where moss is a problem, apply a moss killer. You may need to mow the lawn every 1-2 weeks. April is a good month for reseeding.
You will need to cut more often. Best month for weed control. Either dig out large weeds or spray off.
Amount of cutting will depend on the weather. If there is a long dry spell, consider raising the height of the mower so it is not cut too short.
Continue to mow when appropriate.
Another good month for reseeding. Spike the ground as in the spring and consider applying a top dressing.
Mowing will stop this month. Do not cut shorter than 1 inch. Take the opportunity to level out any bumps. Clear away any leaves.
Clear leaves and brush away worm casts.
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