Bees & Butterflies 100% Wildflower Seed Mix


Bees & Butterflies 100% Wildflower Seed Mix

A mix of over 20 native & non-native wildflowers
✔ Bold colour in first year
✔ Benefits bees and butterflies
✔ 100% wildflower seed, NO GRASS
Sowing rate: 2g p/m²
Regular price £7.35
Tax included.
  • Current Lead Times - Wildflower & Grass Seed: 3 working days | Plug plants: 14-21 days | Pot plants: 7-10 days | Bulbs In The Green: 7 days | Accessories & Gifts: 3 working days
  • Delivery Nationwide UK
  • Contributing to a sustainable world
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Our new 100% wildflower seed mix of over 20 native and non-native wildflower species contains bee-friendly wildflowers such as bee balm, native red clover and borage, and butterfly-friendly species such as blazing star, cornflower and lesser knapweed, to create the most attractive mix of blooms for a wide range of pollinating insects.

Fill your garden with colour and the sight and sound of butterflies and bees from May through to September with this easy-to-grow mixture.

All the native wildflower seed in our mixtures is sourced from stock grown in the wild in Britain.  It is then multiplied up commercially and mixed and packed in the UK so you can be confident you are buying native British wildflower seed.

For best results sow in the spring from March through to May, or in the autumn, from late August through to October. 

Colour Varied
Height 1-1.5 metres
Season Spring or Autumn
Setting Prefers good soil and sun
AgrimonyAgrimonia eupatoria
Birdsfoot TrefoilLotus corniculatus
BorageBorago officinalis
Wild ClarySalvia verbenaca
Red CloverTrifolium pratense
White CloverTrifolium repens
Corn CockleAgrostemma githago
Corn PoppyPapaver rhoeas
CornflowerCentaurea cyanus
Oxeye DaisyLeucanthemum vulgare
Wild FoxgloveDigitalis purpurea
Greater KnapweedCentaurea scabiosa
Lesser KnapweedCentaurea nigra
Purple LoosestrifeLythrum salicaria
Wild MarjoramOriganum vulgare
Meadow CranesbillGeranium pratense
Musk MallowMalva moschata
Ragged RobinSilene flos-cuculi
SainfoinOnobrychis viciifolia
Field ScabiousKnautia arvensis
Small ScabiousScabiosa columbaria
Dwarf SunflowersHelianthus annuus
TeaselDipsacus fullonum
Kidney VetchAnthyllis vulneraria
Viper’s BuglossEchium vulgare
YarrowAchillea millefolium
Yellow RattleRhinanthus minor
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