Traditional British Hedging Mix

SKU: MAS-HDG23-50-whips
Hawthorn hedge in winter next to a bare tree

Traditional British Hedging Mix

SKU: MAS-HDG23-50-whips
  • Includes 7 native hedging species
  • 2-year bareroot whips, 60-80cm tall; except holly (20-30cm)
  • Despatching now!
  • Free Establishment & Maintenance notes
Regular price £136.00
Tax included.
  • Current Lead Times - Wildflower & Grass Seed: 3 working days | Plug plants: 14-21 days | Pot plants: 7-10 days | Bulbs In The Green: 7 days | Accessories & Gifts: 3 working days
  • Delivery Nationwide UK
  • Contributing to a sustainable world
  • Secure payments


The whips supplied are 2-year bareroot whips and measure between 60-80cm in height; except for holly which is 30-40cm.

For a single row of hedging, you will need 4 plants per metre; for a double row of hedging, you will need 6 plants per metre.

Our Traditional British Hedging Mix is designed from a mix of 7 native hedging species that have featured in the British landscape for generations.  Experience the ever-changing hues of the seasons with their rich display of colours and textures - be it foliage, blossom or berries - while contributing to biodiversity conservation.

These are hardy and adaptable species which require minimal maintenance while attracting a variety of our birds, butterflies and beneficial insects to create a thriving ecosystem.

Our Traditional British Hedging Mix creates a natural barrier, ensuring privacy and shelter from the elements, and providing an ideal safe habitat for wildlife.

Our hedging whips are grown in the UK from UK origin seed.

If some species become unavailable, they will be swapped out for another appropriate species.

Season Winter, April - November
Setting Part Shade, Shade

If some species become unavailable, they will be swapped out for another appropriate species.

Common Name %
Hawthorn 76%
Field Maple 14%
Dog Rose 2%
Dogwood 2%
Wild Privet 2%
Holly 2%
Wild Cherry 2%
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