Phacelia Green Manure Seed

Phacelia Green Manure Seed

Phacelia Green Manure Seed

✔Naturally adds organic matter to soil
✔Sow from spring to early autumn
✔Dig in just before flowering
✔Attracts beneficial pollinators
✔100% wildflower seed
Sowing rate: 1g p/m²
Regular price £4.65
Tax included.
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Phacelia is a very fast growing, hardy annual that can be used as a green manure.  It is suitable for most soil types.  Phacelia attracts bees and other pollinating insects.  Its thick foliage is useful for smothering weeds and its dense, shallow root system improves soil structure.

Sow from March to September.  It will flower 6 to 8 weeks from sowing.  Dig into the soil before flowering and leave for a couple of weeks to rot down.

To dig in - chop up the green manure with a spade and turn it into the top 10-12cm of soil. Alternatively, cut down and leave the clippings on the soil and cover to exclude the light using cardboard and grass cuttings or a biodegradable ground cover.  Leave for at least 6 weeks, by which point the green manure will have broken down and been incorporated into the soil by earth worms.


March through to September.

Growing time

1 -3 months.

Soil Type:

Most soil types.



How to establish

Remove weeds, scarify the soil and broadcast the seed at a rate of 1g per sq m. Dig in to a depth of 1cm and water in.


The green manure should be cut down before flowering. It can be dug into the soil or left on the top as a mulch.

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