Hornbeam Whips | Carpinus betulus

SKU: MAS-HDG16-10-Whips
A branch of hornbeam nuts, known as samaras

Hornbeam Whips | Carpinus betulus

SKU: MAS-HDG16-10-Whips
  • Native British species
  • 2-year bareroot whips between 60 - 80 cm tall.
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  • Free Establishment & Maintenance notes
Regular price £34.90
Tax included.
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Hornbeam | Carpinus betulus

For a single row of hedging, you will need 4 plants per metre; for a double row of hedging, you will need 6 plants per metre.

Hornbeams are a semi-evergreen species and as such are a popular hedging plant.  Rather like beech, the leaves remain on the branches all-year-round bringing privacy and security to a garden setting and offering a protective barrier against noise and wind.  It works well as a single species hedge or as part of a native hedging mix.

Hornbeams are highly resilient and suitable for a wide range of soil types and conditions and will thrive in full sun or semi-shade.

Naturally found in oak woodland, hornbeams can be coppiced or pollarded and when mature can reach a height of 30 metres. Wildlife enjoy the year-round leaf cover which provides shelter, roosting, nesting and foraging for birds and small mammals.

Catkins appear on the hornbeam in the spring and develop into papery green-winged nuts, known as samaras, in the autumn.

Our hornbeam whips are grown in the UK from UK origin stock.

Latin name Carpinus betulus
Season November - April
Setting Part Shade, Sun
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