Field Maple Whips | Acer campestre

SKU: MAS-HDG27-10-Whips

Field Maple Whips | Acer campestre

SKU: MAS-HDG27-10-Whips
  • Native British species
  • 2-year bareroot whips between 60 - 80 cm tall.
  • Despatching now!
  • Free Establishment & Maintenance notes
Regular price £31.00
Tax included.
  • Current Lead Times - Wildflower & Grass Seed: 3 working days | Plug plants: 14-21 days | Pot plants: 7-10 days | Bulbs In The Green: 7 days | Accessories & Gifts: 3 working days
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Field Maple | Acer campestre

For a single row of hedging, you will need 4 plants per metre; for a double row of hedging, you will need 6 plants per metre.

The UK’s only native maple, the field maple is a sturdy broadleaf that can be found in woods, scrub, and hedgerows, and on chalk lowlands.  

Field maple is ideal for informal garden hedging, though it can be clipped to shape.  It is versatile and suited to many growing conditions, and is a popular addition to native hedging mixes where its vibrant autumn leaves bring a splash of autumn colour.

The field maple is resistant to air pollution.  It supports a wide range of moth species which feed on its leaves, while the flowers provide nectar and pollen for bees, and birds and small mammals eat the winged fruits.

Did you know that field maple wood is popular for making musical instruments, particularly harps?

Our field maple whips are grown in the UK from UK origin seed.

Latin name Acer campestre
Season November - April
Setting Part Shade, Sun
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