Cherry Plum Whips | Prunus cerasifera

SKU: MAS-HDG17-10-Whips

Cherry Plum Whips | Prunus cerasifera

SKU: MAS-HDG17-10-Whips
  • Native British species
  • 2-year bareroot whips between 60 - 80cm tall.
  • Despatching now!
  • Free Establishment & Maintenance notes
Regular price £34.90
Tax included.
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Cherry Plum | Prunus cerasifera

For a single row of hedging, you will need 4 plants per metre; for a double row of hedging, you will need 6 plants per metre. 

Cherry plums are small, neat, attractive trees which have naturalised in the UK and grow well in most soils and sites except for very wet conditions.  They are hardy and fast-growing and a useful and attractive addition to a mixed hedgerow.  They make excellent fast-growing windbreaks.

Cherry plums are among the first trees to blossom from February onwards and provide early forage for emerging honeybees.  The yellow or red cherries later in the year are eaten by a variety of birds.

 Our cherry plum whips are grown in the UK from UK origin stock.

Latin name Prunus cerasifera
Season November - April
Setting Part Shade, Sun
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