Autumn Hawkbit Plug Plants | Scorzoneroides autumnalis

SKU: MAS-PP1-10-plugs

Autumn Hawkbit Plug Plants | Scorzoneroides autumnalis

SKU: MAS-PP1-10-plugs
  • Perennial species
  • 40cc plugs
  • Happy on a wide range of soil types
  • Excellent nectar source for bees
Regular price £17.50
Tax included.
  • Current Lead Times - Wildflower & Grass Seed: 3 working days | Plug plants: 14-21 days | Pot plants: 7-10 days | Bulbs In The Green: 7 days | Accessories & Gifts: 3 working days
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Autumn Hawkbit Plug Plants Scorzoneroides autumnalis

Common names include autumn dandelion, fall dandelion, fall hawkbit.

This attractive short perennial wildflower is the most common of our native hawkbits and produces yellow dandelion-like flowers between July and October.  It looks very pretty growing in a meadow or a wildflower lawn.

Happy on a range of soil types, it is well suited to fertile soils and looks good growing alongside other low-growing native plants such as bird's-foot trefoil.

One of the RHS Plants for Pollinators, autumn hawkbit is an excellent nectar source for bees and other pollinating insects. The seeds are a good food source for birds such as finches.

Our strong, healthy plants are grown in 40cc cell trays and are ready to be planted in their final position.

Sourced from native seed and grown for us in the UK, our plug plants are an ideal way to boost species in a wildflower meadow or to easily establish plants in your garden or in areas where seed germination can be erratic.

We recommend planting 5 plugs per metre square in groups of at least 3 per species for a naturalistic look.

Colour Yellow
Height 15-50cm
Latin name Scorzoneroides autumnalis
Season June-October
Setting Fertile soils

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