Where to find advice about my Horse Paddock?
To see our wide range of mixtures designed to create healthier pastures and our great free wild flower seed offer click HORSE PADDOCK MIXES |
We welcome the opportunity to give advice by phone, fax or e-mail. We have been supplying our seed mixes across the UK as a family for over 40 years. But because we run as a relatively small mail order business it is not possible for us to visit sites.In some cases you may feel that you would benefit from someone looking at the land you have got and discussing your plans. If you have recently taken on some land or are unclear about what to do getting in a specialist consultant can be very beneficial. Whilst the initial investment may seem high. To have a clear plan as to how to mange your field or land over a period of years may prove to be a very good investment. As follows are the contact details for an independent consultant who we have worked with for a number of years. It is important to emphasise that he is independent of MAS and any business relationship you have with him is entirely separate to us. Garry Holter Demeter Grassland Management. Garry is one of the UK’s leading independent consultant on grazing for those following the natural horsemanship route. He also is an expert in Camelids and wild flower meadows. For more information about Garry click here. |
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